Gab Bowler

Senior Admin

When I was 19, I started my first job in the wine industry as a delivery boy and re-stocker at Chambers St. Wines. While it seemed like a meaningless job at the time, I had no idea how much I was learning and how helpful it would still be after all these years.

These are just a few of the many lessons David Lillie and Jamie Wolff taught me back in 2004:

-One must wear a shirt when delivering wine, even if it's a hot day
-If hungover, call in sick. Do not come into work and sleep in the basement
-Do not drink anything from Australia (this has since changed)
-There is no such thing as "too many Muscadet SKUs"

In 2011, after a very unsuccessful career in music, I decided to go full-time in the wine biz. My dad offered me a job selling wine for the company in Westchester and I went for it. I was already obsessed and had some wine knowledge, but the truth of the matter is I had no idea what I was doing. Thankfully my customers were incredibly cool and, most of the time, put up with my rookie mistakes. I did learn very quickly that as long as you're hard-working and honest, everything else works itself out.

I'm now happily living in Queens with my wife and daughter. Outside of work, I enjoy playing and watching basketball, Ping Pong, and making pizza.

My wine preferences are changing all the time, but I drink a lot of Beaujolais.